Tuesday 28 April 2009

Delayed and belated

Due to technical failures and minor equipment issues I have been unable to get a good mix down for the month of March and getting one down for April is so far looking rather unlikely for those very reasons.
I had, however, managed to do a small spate of birthday mixes for some of my friends. So to keep the ball rolling with these mixes I have decided to furnish your ears with a pretty stupid mix I made for my good friend and Bohemian Groove cohort Jimmythe(insert suitable caption).
Please excuse the shoddy condition of a good too many of my records. Muchos crackle going on here. All the dirt, grit and filth from every outdoor party that I've taken my tunes to.


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1 comment:

  1. aha - I was just about to ask if that was a Klaus Wunderlich version of Summertime, when I noticed that it´s there in the scribbley track listing anyway. Well, there you go, I know my cheese! How could you mistake that though...
    Nice mix Spudd,

